Sunday, 20 January 2013

Microcontroller Based Automatic Car Parking System  :

Abstract :
   Automatic car parking system is very good substitute for managing car parking area. Since in modern world, where space has become a very big problem and in the era of miniaturization its become a very crucial necessity to avoid the wastage of space in modern, big companies and apartments etc. In space where more than 100 cars need to be parked, it’s a very difficult task to do and also to reduce the wastage 
of area, this system can be used. This Automatic Car Parking enables the parking of vehicles-floor after floor and thus reducing the space used. Here any number of cars can be park according to requirement. This makes the system modernized and even a space-saving one.Automatic Car Parking System here we work on the thought of display the number of parking available at parking site. In this when you at parking 
site, you see the number of parking slots and available parking slots at the entry gate. If parking is available, the gate is open for few seconds and that particular slot is marked as unavailable. When you exit from this same process is followed and particular slot is made available for next customer.  

Functional Description:

 This project can be implemented using the following blocks. For easier understanding of the theseblocks are mentioned below:

Proximity Sensors: These are placed inside the parking slot to detect the presence of the vehicle in slot, which will be used to process when a new vehicle requests parking slot. Which also consists of IR diodes and phototransistors.

IR Light Emitter: It consists of a pair of Red IR Lights that continuously emit long distance directed IR lights. This light falls on a pair of LDRs. 

IR Light Receiver: It consists of a pair of LDR (Light Dependent Resistance). The LDR consists of special materials whose resistance is dependent on the amount of the light falling on it. This means as long as the IR light is falling on it its resistance is low nearly 1k. As soon as this light is obstructed the resistance of this sensors increases (to nearly 8k) indicating some thing’s presence between the emitter receiver pair. 

Comparator Block: It consists of a comparator circuit made out of op-amp LM358. Its task is to convert the resistance state of LDR into voltage state understood by microcontroller. 

Micro controller Block: Micro-controller takes the data from the comparator block. Based on this data it interprets the number of people that have crossed from one side to the other and vice versa. To build this system we will be using 8051 varient. 

Display Unit: It is 16*2 LCD that shows the number of people in the room at any particular instant. It also shows which appliance is being used and at what power theyare being used. 

Appliances Block: This block consists of outlets for DC motor. DC Motor is ON in one specific direction for 10 sec. and then ON in opposite direction for same 10 sec time interval for open and closed the gate. 

Power Supply Block: This consist a Step down Transformer which converts 220V AC to 15V AC.

Circuit Diagram :

 If any query regarding this project please comment below.We will revert you back with 24 hours.

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