Wednesday, 20 February 2013

8051 Microcontroller Based Mini Project List

 8051 Microcontroller Based Mini Project List for Diploma and BE/BTech in Electronics /Industrial Electronics /Electronics and Telecommunication Students

 8051 Microcontroller Based Mini Project List

  1. Mobile phone (DTMF) controlled electrical device switching
  2. DS1620 Based Temperature Controller (8051)
  3.  DS1820 Based High Precision Temperature Indicator
  4.  Electronic Voting Machine (8051)
  5.  Electronics Components Tester (8051)
  6.  Infrared Interruption counter (8051)
  7. Infra Red Remote Switch (8051)
  8.  Multipattern Running Lights (8051)
  9. Password Based Door Locking (8051)
  10.  PC -MC communication (8051)
  11. RF Based Remote control (8051)
  12.  RFID Based Attendance System (8051 + RFID)
  13.  RFID Based Security System (8051 + RFID)
  14.  Traffic Light Controller (8051)
  15. A mobile controlled RGB LED mood light 
  16. Automatic advanced Railway gate Control System.
  17. Digital Real time Clock Implementation with Microcontroller and LCD.
  18. Industrial conveyer belt object counting system.
  19. Intelligent High Power LED Street light Control System.
  20. Digital Frequency Meter with LCD Display
  21. IR Remote Controlled Real time Clock with LCD display
  22. Stepper Motor Control using Microcontroller.
  23. Two-Channel Digital Frequency Meter using Microcontroller.
  24. Ultrasonic Distance Meter.
  25. Water Level Controller with LCD display using 8051
  26. Stop Watch using 8051
  27. Digital alarm clock
  28. Digital Thermometer using 8051
  29. Bidirectional Visitor Counter
  30. Distance measurement using Infrared
  31. LCD based voting machine
  32. Simple Toll Plaza
  33. 8 Candidate Quiz Buzzer
  34. Up down counter
  35. Servo motor control
  36. Humidity counter
  37. 8051-based Countdown Timer
  38. Anti Bag Snatching Alarm.
  39. Anti-Theft Alarm for Vehicle.
  40. Bidirectional Visitor Counter.
  41. Design your Own Remote.
  42. Manual Moving-Message Display.
  43. Microcontroller based Tachometer.
  44. Auto Control of three phase Induction motor (8051)
  45.  Automatic College Bell (8051 & DS1307)
  46. Automatic plant Irrigation (8051)
  47.  Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter (8051)
  48.  Digital Calendar (8051)
  49.  Digital Countdown Timer (8051)
  50.  Digital IC Tester for 74 series
  51. LDR based automatic lamp illumination controller with High Power/Intensity LED lighting (PWM control)
  52. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Speed Control of a DC Motor
  53. IR LED and LDR based Heartbeat Monitor with display on LCD.
  54. Temperature Controlled Fan (DC Motor based with PWM).
  55. Infrared remote controlled garage door control system.
  56. Digital Thermostat with LCD Temperature Display.
  57. Embedded Real time Clock based Industrial Devices Control System.
  58. Microcontroller based water level monitoring and control system.
  59. Microcontroller based Digital Alpha-numeric message scrolling Display.
  60. Temperature controller using DS1820 and LCD display 

  61. Infrared Remote based Electrical Device Control

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